Stunt Games – music video

Steven Dasz

Here is an upbeat montage for Stunt Games. It's an indie martial arts movie, the first made in the Canary Islands! Stars Steven Dasz and his twin brother Andrew. Directed by David Xarach. Many ...

Ip Man – 10 man fight scene

Donnie Yen

The Ip Man 10 man fight scene is a powerful and emotionally charged scene; we see ultra-talented martial-arts virtuoso Donnie Yen, playing Ip Man. Here he takes on ten Japanese black-belts ...

Ninja train fight with Scott Adkins

Scott Adkins

In this clip from Ninja, we see Scott Adkins (playing Casey Bowman along with Mika Hijii, playing Namiko Takeda) taking it to cult-gang members as he defends Namiko in a cafe and on a New York subway ...

Kung-fu Kingdom