The upcoming Disney streaming service, titled “Disney+”, is set to become the next big giant in the world of streaming entertainment upon its launch in late 2019. Among the most anticipated properties set to call Disney+ its home is the upcoming “Star Wars” streaming series, “The Mandalorian”. While a certain amount of lightsaber action is always a given with all things “Star Wars”, fight fans now have even more incentive to give “The Mandalorian” a look with the addition of MMA legend Gina Carano to the series!
The series is being scripted by Jon Favreau, well-known to genre fans for his directorial efforts on the first two “Iron Man” films. “The Mandalorian” will also reportedly take place sometime between the events of “Return of the Jedi” and “The Force Awakens”, effectively serving as something of a bridge between George Lucas’ original trilogy and the new “Star Wars” films under the Disney banner. Per Variety’s synopsis on the new series “The Mandalorian” is:
“set after the fall of the Empire and before the emergence of the First Order. It follows the travails of a lone gunfighter in the outer reaches of the galaxy far from the authority of the New Republic”.
Disney is also reportedly developing a prequel series for the character Cassian Andor, played by Diego Luna in 2016’s “Rogue One”.
Additionally, Carl Weathers is also in negotiations to appear in the series. Between Weathers iconic association with the “Rocky” franchise and Carano’s growing body of roles in action films like “Deadpool” and “Kickboxer: Vengeance”, it seems the infamous short-changing of “The Raid” cast in “The Force Awakens” was a one-time flub. After Donnie Yen‘s show-stealing performance in “Rogue One”, the “Star Wars” franchise really seems set on blowing fans away with its fighting action in the revived series. Without a doubt, the idea of Carano and Weathers taking up lightsabers is surely something any fan of epic, story-driven martial arts fight action can get behind!
Stay tuned for more info on “The Mandalorian” and Disney+ as their respective releases near! Excited about “The Mandalorian”; which Star Wars saber duels and fight action stole the show for you from the newer movies? Let us know in the comments below; Like, share and join in the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter & Instagram. (Click on into the not-too-distant Galactic archive of action from the FUniverse…these Top 5 Star Wars Lightsaber battles, and subscribe for videos too!)