Happy Birthday Scott Adkins!

Happy Birthday Scott Adkins! The British action man is a prime 38-years old today and just keeps getting better! Best known for his roles as Yuri Boyka in Undisputed II and III as well as playing a ninja in Ninja and Ninja: Shadow of a Tear.

If you missed our two-part interview with Scott, you can read part 1 here, and part 2 here.

And now to round this off, we thought we’d include a few videos of Scott in action and in training. Enjoy!

Elliot Richards

Elliot is KFK's Web Content Editor, writer and lover of all kinds of movies, including martial arts ones. Favourites include The Prodigal Son, Magnificent Butcher, The Victim, Legend of a Fighter and the Ip Man movies with Donnie Yen.

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