Happy Birthday Benny! Today he turns 62 and still looks great! This legend needs no introduction, but for those that don’t know him, Benny Urquidez is an American kickboxer, martial arts choreographer and actor. Nicknamed The Jet, Urquidez was a non-contact karate competitor who later pioneered full-contact fighting in the U.S. (thanks Wiki!).
We know him from films such as Wheels on Meals and Dragons Forever with Jackie Chan and Force: Five with the legendary Joe Lewis.
Check out this final fight scene from Dragons Forever featuring Benny, Jackie, Yuen Biao and more!
Here Benny gives Jackie a punch or two:
Aside from show business, he’s a very well accomplished athlete with black belts in judo, shotokan karate, kendo, kajukenbo, jujutsu and kickboxing. If you borrow a couple of bucks from this guy, make sure you pay it back on time!
To round it all off, here’s a video he did with Black Belt TV: