Bren Foster, Australian powerhouse Taekwondo Black Belt, action actor and highly esteemed martial arts teacher featured on the Discovery Channel is the main star in the fantastic, recently released, “Life After Fighting“.
To keep his mind sharp, like many other elite calibre martial artists, Bren takes time out of his busy day to meditate, and he’s excited to share his views on the new “7 Minutes 2 Bliss” Metaverse Breathing Method (or 7M2B for short) in the video below.
“…recently, I was lucky enough to experience the 7 Minutes 2 Bliss breathing technique.
Now, for someone like me who meditates regularly, I sometimes find my mind wandering around and really find it hard to get into that ‘Zen’ place that we’re all searching for when we’re in a meditation.
But the 7 Minutes 2 Bliss breathing technique helps you get there really, really quickly—less than a minute!
I’ve been working with it for just over a week now, and it seems, with my daily meditation practice, it’s working a treat. I highly recommend it.”
The method which Bren Foster is referring to here is simple, quick and easy to do and it’s one of the easiest ways ever developed to help any human being enter into “flow state” (or “bullet time” think “The Matrix”) as well as calming the chatter of that “monkey mind” which the majority of people experience these days within 1-3 minutes.
Most people report going from feeling a 5 or 6 score out of 10, to a 9 or 10 score out of 10 within just 2 minutes.
If you or anyone you know is dealing with stress, anxiety, low moods, or depression, bipolar symptoms, ADHD, ADD, PTSD or other mental health challenges, this method has been shown to significantly help, so please share this post with them. Together let’s take steps to stem the tide of our modern, growing mental health issues.
For more information, including testimonials from students to business people, busy moms to the NHS, martial arts athletes and more, check out the link below:
To order our easy-to-follow video tutorial that demonstrates exactly how to perform the technique (for the equivalent of a week or two’s Starbucks Caffè Lattes!) simply click the link below for your preferred product option, and the download will be sent to your inbox.