The philosophical wisdom of Bruce Lee continues to impact the martial art community and the wider world alike.
That wisdom is set to continue even further in the new upcoming book “Bruce Lee: In My Own Process”, which is now available for pre-order and is set to be released this fall!
Details on “Bruce Lee: In My Own Process”
“In My Own Process” is set to be a limited edition box set, collecting never-before-published writings made by Bruce in his lifetime, along with interviews with Bruce’s family and friends.
Additionally, other figures in various corners of the entertainment and sports industries also contribute to “In My Own Process”, including Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Snoop Dogg, Tony Hawk, and Ang Lee.
“In My Own Process” is also being published in coordination with the Lee family, with each deluxe and collector’s copy of the book also autographed by Bruce’s widow Linda Lee Caldwell, his daughter Shannon, and skating sensation Tony Hawk, while deluxe and collector’s copies each come with their own added features, as well, including on set photos of Bruce and his family, various pins and facsimile pages, and other added bonuses.
The title itself also derives from a collection of letters Bruce wrote prior to his death pertaining to elements of his life and career. As described by Shannon Lee:
“There are eight letters entitled ‘In My Own Process’ and they all are refining these concepts of what it means to be a martial artist, who Bruce Lee is, this idea of self-constructed security patterns and being totally honest.”
Bruce Lee Has Been the Subject of Innumerable Books
Bruce Lee, of course, is hardly a stranger to the literary or biographical scene. Bruce’s memoir “The Tao of Jeet Kune Do” was published posthumously and shared his teachings on his eponymous martial arts philosophy with the world.
Since his death, many other books have been published about his life and teachings, including 2013’s “The Treasures of Bruce Lee”, which similarly served as a trip down memory lane for Bruce’s career and life, while Shannon Lee also previously published “Be Water, My Friend” in 2020.
“Bruce Lee: In My Process” will be the latest Bruce Lee-based book to take readers on a deep dive into Bruce’s legacy.
Bruce Lee’s Legacy Endures 50 Years On…
With the 50th anniversary of Bruce Lee’s untimely passing coming on July 20th, 2023, it naturally cannot be overstated how much of an impact Bruce Lee’s teachings and philosophy continue to have upon the world.
Everyone affiliated with KFK can most certainly attest to Bruce as a profound influence upon all of us, while his legacy continues to inspire millions around the world. “In My Own Process” and the parties attached to it only further illuminate Bruce Lee’s enduring influence.
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was a close friend and student of Bruce’s, even having a fight scene with him in “Game of Death”, and has been very open about the influence Bruce has had on his life and career.
Ang Lee, meanwhile, is currently prepping a new Bruce Lee biopic, while Tony Hawk has also spoken of Bruce’s influence on his skating career. Naturally, these examples are all just scratching the surface.
With half a century having passed since Bruce Lee’s passing, “Bruce Lee: In My Own Process” should hopefully open the door for a new generation to discover the wisdom of martial arts and life that Bruce imparted to the world in his lifetime.
With the collection of voices joining the book and the many added features that will be included in the box set, “Bruce Lee: In My Own Process” is sure to be a fantastically riveting read, too!