Finding the perfect gift for the martial artist that you know, be it for Christmas, birthdays, or to reward or treat that special someone, you’d think it’d be easy, right? There is after all, a plethora of choice in branded names supplying everything from exercise equipment and weapons to uniforms. Then there are all the books, movies and MMA documentaries to choose from -suddenly finding something different from the norm as well as fun might get a tad overwhelming!
Don’t worry though because we’re here with a list of 10 great martialized gift ideas that are practical, solid and good fun during the festive period and further, ideal at any time. You’ll also probably know a budding warrior who’s making a New Year’s resolution of some kind so, why not help them on their way?
- MMA: Touch Me and Your First Lesson is Free (clothing)
What better way to show in a stylish and light-hearted fashion that the martial artists in your life are passionate and skilful than a t-shirt or hoodie with this little warning. From Karate to Kung-Fu there are many styles to choose from and a multitude of colour combinations. Popular ones such as Judo and Karate tend to be kept in stock whilst others are printed to demand with a range of decorative features. Although only available online there are plenty of platforms to choose from including Amazon and Café Press.
Inspiration is the key element of the site Shihan Essence as evidenced by their inspirational quotes on all things martial-arts related. Their latest product “The Martial Artists Manifesto” makes an ideal gift for the serious Budoka in your life. The print of the manifesto is available in a variety of sizes and options for a framed presentation which is ideal for the dojo or something to hang at home as a reminder of what martial arts should be about. The manifesto is even printed on a ceramic mug so one can enjoy inspiration and wise words whilst enjoying a favourite beverage.
If your parent, child, significant other or best friend is a martial artist then you can bet your bottom dollar (or pound) that they love martial arts’ movies whether it’s for inspiration or pure entertainment. “Life of Action” is packed full of interviews with the filmmakers, actors and stunt people such as Dolph Lundgren, Scott Adkins, and Cynthia Rothrock, which are both informative and insightful. “Life of Action” is available from most bookshops and online through Amazon.
For a truly fun novelty item, what about a letter opener shaped like a sword be it the Katana (Samurai) or the Ninja sword? Whilst not as sharp as their real-life counterparts these practical and stylish blades can turn an ordinary banal letter opening activity into one a bit more orientally and martially refined. These are available from Amazon, Ebay, Nine Circles (see below) and your local martial arts’ supplier.
Written by Kung Fu Kingdom’s very own traditional Chinese martial arts expert and instructor, Glen Stanway, this should form an integral part of anyone’s martial arts’ library charting the rise of Chin Woo kung fu and its journey across the world. From the early days of its history to featuring in popular culture and films such as Bruce Lee’s “Fist of Fury”, the book ends with the author’s own personal journey. Read our review for more details.
The Kung Fu Kingdom brand represents the ultimate in quality, dedication, respect and the highest ideals in all martial endeavours encompassing every style across the Kingdom of earth. With its suave simple black and white combination adorned with the universally recognisable yin-yang symbol. What better endorsement of this timeless, sought-after shirt than from some of the world’s biggest names including Bill “Superfoot” Wallace, Michael Jai White, Ray Park, Scott Adkins, MMA star Michael ‘Venom’ Page, Team GB Taekwondo Olympians and many more as featured on our Hall of Fame! . Available online directly from KFK with free shipping and a variety of sizes. (Limited number of free gifts available with orders placed online by 5th Jan, so act quickly!)
The BOB (Body Opponent Bag) is generally considered to be a vital tool for all martial artists looking to hone those all-important combat skills for the cage, ring, mat or a darkened alley. This latest innovation from Century Martial Arts is considered to be the most versatile, tough, durable and functional body torso. The simulated arms, head and legs allow for the practice of a wide range of defensive techniques including blocking, deflections and re-direction. If you want to invest in a combat treat and have a spare £400 – £600 you can get yours through the Century Martial Arts website, Bytomic, Amazon, Ebay and others. Check out this demonstration.
And while you’re here, check out what Enter The Dojo’s Master Ken (11th Dan) has to say about it…
‘One-stop shop’is an overused term yet for Nine Circles it’s an apt one as it truly does have everything for the budding Budoka. The company stocks weapons, books CD’s and DVD’s as well as clothing and accessories for Aikido, Kendo, and Iaido. With such substantial stock and selection variations available, if you’re stuck on deciding what would make an ideal gift,Nine Circles do offer gift vouchers. These come in denominations of £10 and can be redeemed in full or part payment and the budoka in your life can finally pay for that shinai for their Kendo class or high quality hakama earned for Aikido. Do take a look around their interesting site.
Martial arts enthusiasts do love martial arts films whether it’s for inspiration or pure entertainment, the action and stories appeal to many a high-kicking, fast-punching aspirational types. Yet with so many titles to choose from it’s difficult to know (unless you have it on a list) which one to go for. So, we’ve opted for a title that encompasses everything that is loved about martial arts’ movies, the third film in the Never Back Down franchise starring Michael Jai White. Check out our review!
Launched in 1977 this highly durable denim leg wear offers a solution to one of the most posed questions on every martial artist’s lips, what if I need to kick in jeans? Century provided the ultimate answer with their innovative blend of denim and elastane (Lycra) fibres. This advance in clothing technology gives that high kicker friend a 30% stretch range so you can front kick, round kick and hook kick if needed safe in the knowledge that they won’t restrict your movement. These jeans are only available online through the Century website so order yours today and for a demonstration of their durability and flexibility watch Ameri-Do-Te Master (Ken) put these jeans to the test!
So there we have it folks, 10 carefully selected gifts -ideal for your martial buddies now and at any time of the year. Giving thoughtful gifts like these will certainly earn the thanks, respect and karma points from the martial artists in your life!