Search results for: cynthia rothrock interview

Interview with Cynthia Rothrock on The Martial Arts Kid 2

Interview with Cynthia Rothrock on the upcoming film "The Martial Arts Kid 2". To star Cynthia Rothrock, Don Wilson, Jansen Panettiere & R. Marcos ...

Interview with Cynthia Rothrock, part 2

Welcome to part two of our interview with the legendary Lady Dragon, Cynthia Rothrock! In part one (read here) we discussed her background, ...

Interview with Cynthia Rothrock, part 1

Yes! Cynthia Rothrock is back in full-swing, energetic, adventurous and ever-smiling, having distinguished herself as the queen of martial arts ...

Interview with Philip Tan

Exclusive interview with martial artist & Hollywood stunt legend, Philip Tan, father of “Mortal Kombat” star, Lewis Tan on his action career ...

Interview with JuJu Chan Szeto

Interview with martial arts actress starring as 'Zan' in Netflix's “Wu Assassins”, JuJu Chan Szeto. Includes related links & videos.

Top 10 Cynthia Rothrock Movie Fights

COVID19? LEGEND SAYS there's a dragon-monster behind it so let LADY DRAGON Cynthia Rothrock's Top 10 movie fights kick it! Includes videos, ...

Interview with Don “The Dragon” Wilson

Interview with the legendary World Kickboxing Champion and martial arts action star, Don "The Dragon" Wilson. (Includes links to videos and more!)

Interview with Gene LeBell

Interview with legendary martial artist, stuntman, actor and mentor to MMA superstar Ronda Rousey, Judo Gene LeBell. Includes links to videos and ...

Interview with Dave Lea

Interview with Hollywood martial arts stuntman veteran Dave Lea on his experience making the 80’s-style spoof film, "Fury of the Fist and the Golden ...

Interview with Don Frye

Interview with UFC Hall of Famer, Pro-Wrestler, martial artist and actor, Don Frye, on the upcoming 80’s-style spoof film, "Fury of the Fist and the ...

Interview with Sean Stone

Interview with actor Sean Stone, scriptwriter and lead star of the upcoming film "Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece".

Interview with R. Marcos Taylor

Interview with martial artist, stuntman and actor R. Marcos Taylor on the upcoming film "Fury of the Fist and the Golden Fleece".

Kung-fu Kingdom