13 Assassins (2010)

Takeshi Miike’s 2011 offering reinforces the controversial director as one of cinema’s best let alone hailing from Japan! 13 Assassins is his fifty ninth film as a director and or screenwriter with ...
Takeshi Miike’s 2011 offering reinforces the controversial director as one of cinema’s best let alone hailing from Japan! 13 Assassins is his fifty ninth film as a director and or screenwriter with ...
by guest contributor Volcan Kacar The Forbidden Kingdom poster Rob Minkoff’s loosely based film on the ancient Chinese 16th century novel Journey to the West by Wu Cheng'en is a film that ...
by guest contributor Volcan Kacar Poster Set in the 1970’s, our protagonist Hyun-Soo, finds himself in one of the most notoriously violent schools in Seoul. Being a Bruce Lee fanatic himself ...
Beware! This review contains spoilers! Jet Li's films are usually hard-edged, ultraviolent affairs offering adult film-goers an invigorating shot of adrenaline. 2001's Kiss Of The Dragon is no ...
by guest contributor Simon Rogg Donnie Yen has risen to become one of Hong Kong’s biggest action stars, but if you want to know where it all began or simply fancy a dose of classic kung fu ...
Hell'z Windstaff Hell’z Windstaff (also known as The Hells Wind Staff and The Dragon and the Tiger Kids) was released in 1979 by director Tony Wong and the Yuk Long Movie Studios. The film later ...
THE MAIN MAN CHAN is back...with a bang -literally! Jackie Chan returns with a far more serious demeanour in POLICE STORY 2013. The classic actioner is now resurrected into a grim and gritty movie ...
Have you ever wanted to learn the secrets of how to do the splits and get really comfortable with your leg work? Ever wanted to learn the secrets of how to get into the movie business and learn ...
A review of the book "The Treasures of Bruce Lee" by Paul Bowman.
Police Story (1985) DVD cover “He thinks he’s John Wayne.” First off, this highly ambitious Jackie Chan directed and starred 1985 Golden Harvest Studios classic is not only a great martial arts ...
Blood & Bone DVD cover Blood and Bone is a 2009 American direct-to-DVD martial arts movie, but unlike its many wayward DTV brethren, Ben Ramsay’s street fighting salute to Sergio Leone’s The ...
In this exciting interview, we conversed with 3rd Dan Cameroonian martial artist, Master Aurelien Henry Obama. We were really intrigued to learn more about the martial arts from Africa itself which ...