Joanna Jedrzejczyk: Top 3 MMA Finishes

Joanna Jędrzejczyk is a name that reverberates with power, technique, and resilience, that’s etched her legacy in the annals of mixed martial arts (MMA) history.

Born on August 18th, 1987, in Olsztyn, Poland, Jędrzejczyk emerged as one of the most dominant female fighters in the UFC’s strawweight division. Her unwavering pursuit of excellence and indomitable spirit have earned her a revered place among the sport’s elite.

Before she stormed onto the MMA scene, Jędrzejczyk began her athletic journey as a Muay Thai practitioner, achieving remarkable success. She claimed multiple world championships in Muay Thai, showcasing her exceptional striking skills and unwavering determination.

In 2014, she made a seamless transition to MMA, joining the UFC swiftly to establish herself as a force to be reckoned with.

A true legend in the world of MMA, Joanna, also known as ‘JJ,’ fell in love with the sport at the age of 16, and since then, her journey has been nothing short of history in the making.

Jędrzejczyk’s fighting style is characterized by her technical prowess, lightning-fast strikes, and unmatched cardio capacity. Her ability to control the octagon and dictate the pace of the fight has made her a formidable opponent for anyone brave enough to step into the cage with her.

With precision striking, devastating clinch work, and relentless ground-and-pound, Jędrzejczyk has delivered awe-inspiring finishes throughout her career.

In this article, we delve into her undeniable skill and dominance in the cage. Join us as we relive the moments that solidified Jędrzejczyk’s legacy as one of the greatest female fighters of all time in Joanna Jędrzejczyk’s Top 3 MMA Finishes! (in descending order)

3. Vs. Carla Esparza – UFC 185 (Mar. 14, 2015)

In a highly anticipated title-unification bout, Jędrzejczyk faced the reigning champion, Carla Esparza. With her impeccable takedown defence and lightning-fast strikes, Joanna dismantled Esparza’s game plan with masterful precision.

In the opening round, Joanna showcased her methodical approach and quick reflexes, thwarting Esparza’s early takedown attempts. Although Esparza managed to get her down to the mat, Joanna resisted and displayed her resilience.

The grappling exchanges between the two fighters were intense, but at 2:15, Joanna pushed off the cage and landed a powerful strike that momentarily staggered Esparza. It seemed like the beginning of the end for Esparza, but Joanna stayed composed and didn’t rush to finish.

As the round concluded, it became evident that Esparza couldn’t stand and exchange strikes with Joanna or take her down effectively. The discrepancy in skill was apparent.

In the second round, Esparza continued to pursue takedowns relentlessly, but Joanna’s solid defence and strong elbows kept her at bay.

At 3:33, Joanna unleashed a tenacious combination, leaving fans on the edge of their seats, expecting a swift finish. Although Joanna connected with a barrage of blows at 2:17, Esparza still hung on.

However, just before the round ended, Joanna launched a devastating punch combo that left Esparza unable to defend herself from the TKO.

The fight showcased Joanna’s complete domination from start to finish. This stunning victory marked the beginning of Joanna’s reign as the undisputed strawweight champion, cementing her position as one of the most dominant forces in the sport.

2. Vs. Lily Kazak – Makowski FC 5 (Dec. 8, 2012)

In this pivotal fight early in her undefeated career, Joanna demonstrated her exceptional speed and grappling skills from the very beginning.

As a Muay Thai practitioner, her standing grappling techniques were easily identifiable, and she showcased her ability to defend against takedowns. However, here, she found herself taken down to the mat by her opponent.

Undeterred, Joanna remained composed on her back, actively searching for opportunities to capitalise. With incredible determination, she skilfully manoeuvred to secure the rear naked choke, relentlessly working to get under her opponent’s chin. Her persistence paid off, and she successfully forced the tap, claiming a well-deserved victory.

This fight spotlighted Joanna’s impressive ground game, proving that she possesses a well-rounded skill set in all aspects of the sport. Her ability to transition seamlessly from striking to grappling highlights her versatility as a fighter, setting the stage for her future success in the world of MMA.

1. Vs. Rosi Sexton – CWFC 69 (Jun. 7, 2014)

The opening round unfolds with both fighters sizing each other up, looking to time their shots effectively.

Sexton’s confidence is evident as she attempts a spinning backfist, but Joanna quickly establishes control in the center of the mat.

Although Joanna briefly gets taken down, she springs back to her feet with impressive agility. Her swift footwork allows her to expertly evade Sexton’s strikes.

As the round nears its conclusion, Joanna unleashes a powerful combo, flooring her opponent with remarkable precision. Astonishingly, Sexton somehow withstands Joanna’s two subsequent attempts at a strong combo, making for an intense and thrilling fight. The first round ends, leaving the audience eager for more action.

The second round commences with both fighters displaying aggressive intent, each determined to emerge victorious. At 3:34, an enthralling grappling exchange ensues, with Joanna demonstrating solid defence against Sexton’s takedown attempts.

However, at 2:30 into the round, Joanna lands a lightning-fast and devastating right hand punch that culminates in a swift finish and the TKO. The crowd erupts in amazement at the speed and precision of Joanna’s striking, bringing an impressive end to the fight.

What an enthralling contest, showcasing Joanna’s exceptional skill and unyielding determination in the face of an equally determined opponent. A true display of high-level MMA and a fast finish that will be remembered for its sheer intensity and excitement!

So there we have it folks, 3 of Joanna Jedrzejczyk’s best MMA finishes!

Joanna Jędrzejczyk’s fights encapsulate her brilliance as a fighter. With her technical prowess, relentless pressure, and precision striking, she has certainly left a mark on the world of MMA.

These finishes highlight her dominance inside the octagon and solidify her place as one of the greatest fighters to ever compete in the strawweight division. Her legacy will forever be remembered as a pioneer and inspiration for future generations of female fighters.

Where would you rank Joanna among the female MMA elite? Which is your favorite of her fights from the list above? Let us know in the comments below; Like, share and join in the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter & Instagram!

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Andrew Laoudas

Andrew is a passionate martial arts enthusiast with knowledge on a wide range of disciplines including Nunchaku, Kali, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, and Judo. Driven by a deep love for the arts and a genuine appreciation for action movies, Andrew's focus on Wing Chun and Judo has given him significant experience and expertise. With a unique perspective that blends the excitement of action cinema with the technicality and beauty of martial arts, Andrew seamlessly integrates his passion for martial arts combat, cinema, and MMA. This fusion fuels his evolving journey of self-discovery and he hopes it will serve as inspiration for others to unlock their true potential.

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