Should Martial Artists Sport Full Beards?

Many martial artists have beards, and many don’t. Though this might seem insignificant, there is a reason behind these decisions. If you’re wondering whether martial artists should sport full beards, read on for everything you need to know.

What the Official Rules Say

According to the Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts, there are only three official rules that relate to hair. They are as follows:

  • Hair pulling is prohibited
  • Grease may not be applied to hair
  • Securing long hair for safety and visibility may be required

Based on these rules alone, there is nothing illegal about having a beard of any length as a martial artist. However, is it a good idea? Let’s dive into the potential benefits and drawbacks of fighting with a beard.

The Benefits of Fighting With a Beard

Sporting a full beard in martial arts can offer several advantages.

Offers Protection

The most common benefit cited is that a beard may serve as a natural buffer, providing a degree of facial protection against strikes. Furthermore, a beard can conceal a fighter’s true jawline, making it harder for their opponent to land accurate punches. As a result, having a beard could protect against impact-related cuts and abrasions.

Looks Intimidating

On a lesser note, a beard can look intimidating. This can give bearded fighters extra confidence during matches.

The Disadvantages of Fighting With a Beard

On the flip side, there are several and more significant drawbacks to consider.

Harbors the Potential for Accidental Pulling

For one, even though hair pulling is strictly illegal, it can still happen by accident. Being clean-shaven is a sure-fire way to prevent an opponent from accidentally ripping out your facial hair.

Makes Medical Care Harder

Secondly, martial artists frequently sustain injuries to the head and face that require medical inspection and care. A beard can make this treatment more difficult, limiting the quality and efficacy of care.

Can Be Hard To Maintain

Thirdly, even though beards are perfectly hygienic, they trap sweat and bacteria. This can make it harder for athletic individuals to keep up with the required beard maintenance.

Might Be Discourteous to Opponents

Finally, some potentially ridiculous yet cited reasons to not fight with a beard center on courtesy to opponents. Specifically, a beard could give an opponent a rash or get in their mouth. These, however, are the most insignificant reasons to note.

What Should You Do?

So should martial artists sport full beards? Though the choice is entirely up to you and what you feel comfortable with, most evidence points to a clean shave as being best.

If you do decide to go without a beard, make sure you follow proper shaving techniques. Naturally, be careful not to nick yourself. You should also know how to prevent irritating razor bumps.

These shaving side effects can sting and distract you during your matches. Be careful when you shave and keep your skin moisturized to keep irritation to a minimum. The result will be a clean-shaven face that won’t hold you back in a fight.

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