Few revenge thrillers see a hero take their vendetta into a prison filled with killers and psychos in order to enact their payback. In that respect, “Revenger” is as fitting a title as any for the first one to pull that out of the martial arts movie playbook. With the film’s release today in South Korea, the marketing sells “Revenger” as one hell of a kick-butt good time – something immediately apparent from the trailer and some recently released action clips, which you can check out below!
Under the direction of Lee Seung-won, in his feature debut, “Revenger” takes place in a dystopic future in which dangerous criminals are quarantined on an island prison. Veteran stuntman Bruce Khan, who also scripted the film, assumes the role of the film’s anti-hero and ex-special detective, Yool, who purposely gets himself sent to the prison in order to exact vengeance for the ruthless murder of his family.
Judging from the trailers and action clips, Lee has made splendid use of the premise of Khan’s script, and the film gives off a genuine “Enter the Dragon” meets ‘The Raid 2” kind of vibe – which, by itself, qualifies it a must-see for action nuts. The film also marks a return for Bruce Khan after a bit of a big screen dry spell. Khan’s previous stunt credits include 1999’s “Gen-X Cops” and its 2000 sequel, along with 2003’s “Daredevil“, Jackie Chan’s “The Medallion”, and a headlining role in 2005’s “The Last Eve”.
However, Khan’s capabilities as both stuntman and action star are on such glorious display here in the trailer and fight clips that his stunt and martial arts pedigree might simply be taken as a given. Merely for the fight where he fends off his adversaries while restrained in a straitjacket on a beach, “Revenger” absolutely demands your viewing attention – the marketing promises such an intense action smackdown throughout that there’s simply no excuse for “Revenger” to escape your radar!
“Revenger” is set to hit theaters in South Korea today, December 6th, stay tuned for more info on its release in the English-speaking world as it hotfoots it over! What did you think of the clips above, excited for “Revenger”? What are some of your fave Korean martial arts action scenes and movies? Let us know in the comments below; Like, share and join in the conversation on Facebook and follow us on Twitter & Instagram. (If you’re looking for more kicks, click through to this FUniverse-O-flix, the South Korean actioner”The Villainess” and why not subscribe for videos too?)