Search results for: police story

Angry White Pyjamas

Book review of Angry White Pyjamas by Robert Twigger, who after witnessing a violent road rage incident in Tokyo took up Aikido. This is his story.

Kung Fu Jungle London premiere!

The anticipation is high for Donnie Yen's upcoming martial arts thriller "Kung Fu Jungle", especially after recent online debut of the latest trailer ...

Tapped Out (2014)

Chances are, you're going into "Tapped Out" expecting the film to hit the ground running. It's generally expected for MMA-themed fight films to ...

Interview with Akira Koieyama

Now we're ready to kickstart our exclusive series of interviews with the cast of Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist!  First up is our interview with ...

Interview with Silvio Simac, Part 2

In part two of our extensive interview with Silvio Simac, he goes into a lot more depth and detail, candidly talking about training, nutrition and ...

Never Back Down 2: The Beatdown (2011)

The burgeoning popularity of MMA has spilled over into the world of martial arts action movies. The results have been, no pun intended, a mixed bag - ...

Haywire (2011)

"Haywire" is a film about a women's MMA champion who beats the skittles out of men twice her size for an hour and a half. That's all you need to know ...

Fist of Legend (1994)

Beware! This review contains spoilers! Fist of Legend is Hong Kong martial arts cinema at its finest. This gem from 1994 is a remake of the ...

The Raid 2 – First Impressions

We were fortunate to attend a screening last night of The Raid 2, what else can we say folks, you're in for a riot of mind blowing, symphonic mayhem ...

Ip Man 2 (2010)

Most Hollywood biopics try to give the audience the essence of someone’s life in the space of one film, but Hong Kong filmmakers have consistently ...

Revenge of the Ninja (1983)

by guest contributor Daniel Amrani Warning, this review  contains spoilers! Revenge of The Ninja is a 1983 Ninja classic! This film is part ...

Who Am I? (1998)

by guest contributor Volcan Kacar An elite special commando ops team head to a South African jungle to kidnap a group of scientists who are ...

Kung-fu Kingdom