Police Story 2013 Official Chinese Trailer #1

THE MAIN MAN CHAN is back…with a bang -literally!

Jackie Chan returns with a far more serious demeanour in POLICE STORY 2013. The classic actioner is now resurrected into a grim and gritty movie reminiscent of New Police Story (2004). Fans will be glad to see the return of trademark jaw-dropping stunts and frenetically-paced fight scenes that stamp this latest in the PS franchise…Release is around this Christmas, so watch out for it!

You can check the official Facebook page here.

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Raj Khedun

Raj, a wing chun student, enjoys spending time studying various aspects of the martial arts, from theory to practically applied skills. He enjoys interviewing prominent and dedicated martial artists from all over the world, who have something inspiring and stimulating to share. He also manages projects in terms of filming, reviews of movies/books and other quality features.

1 Comment
  1. Looks VERY dark compared to Jackie’s usual work! Color me curious!

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