Well, now it appears the floodgates have at last opened on the long-awaited love letter to Shaw Brothers martial arts films, “Once Upon A Time In Shanghai”. Fans who have only had the (admittedly very, very awesome) trailer to whet their appetites over the past several months can at last get a taste of things to come with the newly released trailer for the film. On top of that, a fight clip from the film that has just been released online, which can be viewed here: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNjQzNTA2NjQ4.html.
Judging by the style of the action seen in the new trailer and in the clip, action director Yuen Woo-ping appears to have looked to Donnie Yen’s “Ip Man” films as the template for the combat in “Once Upon A Time In Shanghai”. As anyone who has seen either of the “Ip Man” movies will agree, those are splendid martial arts films to look to for inspiration, indeed!
Andy On has really been on a roll these past few years ever since handling the villainous duties in “True Legend”, and Philip Ng seems poised to show the world that he knows what he’s doing when it comes to carrying a martial arts film. The last time I can recall a movie where someone kicked a cigarette out of someone else’s mouth without making contact with their face was Philip Rhee in “Best of the Best”, released all the way in 1989! That, coupled with the spellbinding action in the featured clip, is enough to put the anticipation meter into overdrive!
The Shaw Brother return with a Bang!! Cant wait for this one!!