Born on this day in 1951, Corey Yuen is 63 today!
If his name is not overly familiar to you, then his cohorts would be; Corey was born in Hong Kong and was one of Jackie Chan, Sammo Hung and Yuen Biao’s best friends during their time at the China Drama Academy Peking Opera School.
He’s mainly known as an action director, though does direct too. Notable films he directed include The Transporter (2002) and DOA: Dead or Alive (2006).
Notable films as Action Director/Martial Arts Choreographer: The Man with the Iron Fists (2012), Badges of Fury (2013), The Expendables (2010), all three Transporter movies, Kiss of the Dragon (2001), X-Men (2000), and tonnes more besides!
Here’s Corey talking a little about himself
And here are a few clips of his work
Badges of Fury
Transporter 3
Behind the scenes on set action in Kiss of the Dragon:
A clip from The Expendables: