The time has come once again to pit a pair of randomly chosen icons of popular culture against one another in the latest installment of Bat in the Sun’s acclaimed web-series, Super Power Beat Down! In the previous installment, Ryu of the “Street Fighter” series faced off against Tommy Oliver aka the Green Ranger, with Jason David Frank himself reprising his role, no less. For the next match, it’s a duel of villainous Marvel and DC duos with the Joker and Harley Quinn against Deadpool and Domino!
Each side brings their own set of strengths to the table. The Clown Prince of Crime can more than match the Merc with a Mouth for sheer insanity, and his partner Harley Quinn is loyal to her dear Mr. J until death. However, Deadpool compensates for his all-round lack of discipline with self-awareness and an inability to die, while Domino can quite literally manipulate the luck of anyone around her. This could be one of the closest match-ups on Super Power Beat Down to date!
To stay up to date on the next duel of titans to come on Super Power Beat Down, be sure to subscribe to Bat in the Sun’s YouTube Channel and follow them on Facebook and Twitter, and watch out for the high kicking lady behind Harley’s make-up, stuntwoman Amy Johnston, in “Lady Bloodfight” later this year – in addition to our upcoming interview with her!