Cecily Fay

Babes with Blades trailer debuts!

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Back in May, martial arts in the U.K. had the chance to finally see the post-apocalyptic adventure "Warrioress", directed by Ross Boyask and largely brought together by stunt woman and Silat exponent ...

Interview with Cecily Fay

interview with Cecily Fay featured image

With "Warrioress", a British, indie martial arts adventure movie released today on DVD, we thought we'd check in with the lead star Cecily Fay who plays the role of the heroine Boudiccu. With an ...

Warrioress (2013)

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There's an intangible aura of passion and excitement that permeates any well-made film of any genre, one that, in essence, tells the viewer what the mood of its maker was. To put it simply, it shows ...

Kung-fu Kingdom