In the martial arts world, the name “Jet Li” needs no introduction. As a child, he performed with the Beijing Wushu Team on the White House lawn for U.S. President Richard Nixon, as an adult, he’d appear in some of the most acclaimed martial arts films of all time. In recent years, the latter has taken a bit of a back seat to Li’s work as a philanthropist in such organizations as Taiji Zen and The One Foundation. However, his newest endeavor is set to bring together martial artists across the world like never before via a relaunching of his website; Jetli.com as a platform for martial artists to, in his words, “Share their dream” with the world. You can see him outline his vision for his new initiative below!
The official statement on the main page reads as follows:
We’re so happy to welcome you to this online martial arts lifestyle community that exists to inspire and encourage people, to allow people to share their dreams and to instill the belief that each person has the capacity to design their lifestyle to accommodate maximum happiness and success. Our founder, Jet Li, envisioned this site for years as part of his mission to spread the positive influence of martial arts to people all over the world. Please watch these opening words from Jet, and welcome to jetli.com!
Li’s new platform got underway on February 20th, and has already seen an explosion of people sharing their dreams and their stories through the unifying power of the internet. Martial artists from countless disciplines are seizing the opportunity, as you can see below:
Li’s focus on his philanthrophic endeavours began after his experience as a survivor of the devastating 2004 Asian tsunami. Seeing the effects of the tsunami on the Maldives, where he was vacationing at the time with his wife, Nina Li-chi and their two daughters, inspired him to establish The One Foundation a non-profit organization dedicated to providing aid in the aftermath of natural disasters. Li also subsequently founded Taiji Zen, an online health and wellness program providing instruction in meditation and Tai Chi, of which Li is a noted practitioner, with the goal of “spreading Health and Happiness for All.”
To check out how you can share your dream with the world, be sure to visit Jetli.com. Don’t forget to drop in on The One Foundation and Taiji Zen, as well!
Great read, good on Jet for doing this, it’s really inspiring and along the lines of what I’d like to do in life. Inspire and motivate others to follow their passions. This may actually be the push in the right direction for me to start making the videos I want 🙂