Last week, “Vengeance of an Assassin”, the final martial arts action adventure from legendary action director Panna Rittikrai, mentor to Tony Jaa and Marrese Crump, launched in Thailand, giving fans one final glimpse of Rittikrai’s predilection for crafting stunning action sequences that push stunt performers to their limits. What’s that – you’re not in Thailand and thus have to wait even longer before finally getting to see the film? Well, fortunately, the wait will be just a bit easier to bear thanks to the stellar behind the scenes clips recently released on YouTube (minus English subtitles, but hey, who needs ’em)!
Obviously, fans will marvel at the kind of action and stunt work seen in the behind the scenes clips, and may even shed a tear at seeing Panna Rittikrai seated in the director’s chair knowing that it will be for the last time. Until “Vengenace of an Assassin” releases in the English-speaking world, feast your eyes on the fruits of a true maestro of action in the videos below!