Keith Vitali

Bloodmoon (1997)


There are three primary distinguishing factors at work in “Bloodmoon”. The first is that most fans will generally agree that it’s Gary Daniels' best film. The second is that it’s one of the last ...

Wheels on Meals (1984)

wheels on meals featured image

From their youth in the Peking Opera Academy to their early rise to stardom in Hong Kong, Jackie Chan, Yuen Biao, and Sammo Hung all seemed inseparable. If they weren’t battling hordes of henchman ...

Revenge of the Ninja (1983)

Revenge of the Ninja 1983 Kung Fu Kingdom 770x472

by guest contributor Daniel Amrani Warning, this review  contains spoilers! Revenge of The Ninja is a 1983 Ninja classic! This film is part of a ninja trilogy. The first one was Enter the ...

Kung-fu Kingdom