
Interview with Gaku Space

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Here's part 3 in our SFAF series with an interview with Gaku Space who plays Young Gouki, the Ansatsuken student of Master Goutetsu. An up and coming talent from Japan, he's co-starred in well known ...

Interview with Togo Igawa

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This is our interview with Togo Igawa, the second of our exclusive Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist series of interviews, where we catch up with the actor who played the powerful Master Goutetsu. Even ...

Interview with Akira Koieyama

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Now we're ready to kickstart our exclusive series of interviews with the cast of Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist!  First up is our interview with Akira Koieyama, a famed Japanese actor who played ...

Interview with Kenya Sawada

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A 12 year old Kenya strikes a pose in front of his boyhood idol, Bruce Lee! Kenya Sawada is a seasoned veteran of the Japanese and Hong Kong movie industry with over 25 years in the business, as ...

Interview with Frank Soto

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We've got a real gem to share with you today!  This is an interview we originally conducted with Master Frank Soto back in 2012, but since having to move our old website to the new it got lost so ...

Interview with Yayan Ruhian

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Yayan Ruhian was born in Tasikmalaya (West Java) on October 19th, 1968. He found his passion in pencak silat and became a professional instructor of martial arts and inner breathing techniques. The ...

Interview with Iko Uwais

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Iko Uwais Vs Yayan Ruhian (Mad Dog) Lift Fight from Merantau The Raid’s two chief martial arts actors and choreographers responsible for a great deal of the action seen ...

Interview with Gareth Evans

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Welsh director, Gareth Evans, 33, is becoming world renowned for bringing the Indonesian martial art style of silat to the big screen. His first movie outing "Merantau" (2009) was an eye opening ...

Interview with Master Ken

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Master Ken is the originator of Ameri-Do-Te, a very special martial art and combat system which we have had a few problems classifying. He currently holds an 11th Dan and is the only person on the ...

Interview with Warren Vice

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Warren Vice is a 5th Dan Taekwondo fighter with the TAGB (Taekwondo Association of Great Britain). He is recognised globally as one of the most successful taekwondo fighters ever, not least for his ...

Kung-fu Kingdom