The New Year has arrived at last, following a most festive holiday season, of course. However, as we all prepare to routine to our normal routines, countless people across the globe are once again reeling from the damage done by the annual home invasion that afflicts millions every Christmas Eve. As part of this most loathed of holiday traditions, a burglar clad in red and white spends the late hours of the evening breaking into house after house with the specific goal of robbing the occupants of their supply of milk and cookies. The assailant is also known to steal a kiss or two from any adult women he encounters. Information on this individual, who is currently known only by the name of “Nicolas Saint”, is largely hearsay and speculation, but he is alleged to use a sled pulled by several reindeer, one with an unusually bright nose, as his mode of transportation, and British and American intelligence has currently pinned his hideout as being somewhere in the extreme North of both countries.
Fortunately, his annual robbery spree is nothing that Master Ken can’t handle! As the most powerful martial artist to ever live and the world’s only 11th degree black belt, Master Ken has devised the perfect methodology of home defense against this individual from within the arsenal of his unstoppable martial art of Ameri-Do-Te. Having spent every waking moment since birth mastering every martial art in existence, Master Ken has filtered out the flaws of each whilst retaining their respective strengths to ultimately forge the art of Ameri-Do-Te. This approach to combat is the origin of the saying popular among Ameri-Do-Te students, “Best of All, Worst of None”. There are just 358 days until Christmas comes around again, and its sure to bring the annual holiday burglary spree by Nicolas Saint with it. Anyone with even a casual interest in home defense would do well to hang on to Master Ken’s every word in this latest installment of his acclaimed web-series “Enter the Dojo”!