Fancy being the next action hero? Think you can displace Scott Adkins? Thanks to the guys over at Shortlist.com we can highlight some of Scott’s training regimen in the Action Hero Workout. Hit the link to read it all.
“If you want to put muscle on you’ve got to eat a lot, and at the right times – five or six meals a day will do it. For breakfast you’ve got to have protein. For me, that’s a bowl of oatmeal and some scrambled egg whites. I’ll have a power shake around 11 o’clock or cottage cheese. For lunch it’ll be chicken breast with vegetables, and then another snack before a hearty meal in the evening. Ensure you drink plenty of water between meals.”
“It can be difficult to keep stocked up on good food, so take a chunk of a day, like a Sunday, to cook your meals, so you can store them away in boxes to reheat later and wolf down. You’ve got to eat these meals to put that muscle on. It can get to a point when it isn’t fun to eat anymore, but if you’re serious then that’s what you’ve got to do.”
“Cardio is great but it won’t make you look good. In the run up to any film, weight training is vital for me. I like to do that at least four times a week. Hit it intensely. Don’t take too much rest between sets. Keep the heart-rate up. Don’t hang about don’t talk to anyone. Just put your headphones on and go at it hard.”
“Train safe. Hollywood has a certain pressure of looking a certain way but actors need to know not to jump straight to a weight they’re not comfortable with. Find a weight that you are comfortable with. Chart your sessions, marking times and reps, so you know where you’re improving and what you need to work on.”
He covers more at the link: Volume Training, Chest and Arms, Back and Shoulders, and Explosive Leg Action!
Once you’ve absorbed it all you can start following Silvio Simac’s advice right here. Don’t forget, Silvio writes exclusively for Kung-fu Kingdom!
Scott Adkins is super cool man!