James Bond – Agent 007 for the U.K.’s MI6 is one of the world’s quintessential Alpha Males. He takes his Martini’s shaken not stirred, he escapes harrowing death traps on a daily basis, and he always has the perfect assortment of gadgets and gizmos by his side. Danger and death mean nothing to him. However, there are moments here and there in the Bond series where he has to unleash a few knuckle sandwiches on his enemies. The makers of a few recent 007-inspired fan films could most certainly lend their support in that area!
First up is the short film “007 Sapphire”, directed by Colin Emerson and Jean-Paul Ly, who also assumes the role of Bond himself. Ly is a rising stunt performer whose credits include the short film “Chameleon”, the sci-fi thriller “Lucy”, and the acclaimed web-series “Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist“. Of course, you probably already assumed that, anyway, just from seeing him in action as 007!
Next up is the short “London Brawling” from the folks at Rocket Jump. The short is a tribute to the recently released “Kingsman: The Sercret Service, based on the acclaimed comic book series written by Mark Millar and Dave Gibbons, which pays homage to the Bond series. Directed by Freddie Wong, who also appears in the short, it’s a splendid tip of the hat to “Kingsman”. Sadly, the kung fu fighting henchwoman with the carbon fiber legs is AWOL unfortunately, but you’ll hardly have a reason to care!