Street Fighter Campaign

Interview with Gaku Space

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Here's part 3 in our SFAF series with an interview with Gaku Space who plays Young Gouki, the Ansatsuken student of Master Goutetsu. An up and coming talent from Japan, he's co-starred in well known ...

Interview with Togo Igawa

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This is our interview with Togo Igawa, the second of our exclusive Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist series of interviews, where we catch up with the actor who played the powerful Master Goutetsu. Even ...

Interview with Akira Koieyama

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Now we're ready to kickstart our exclusive series of interviews with the cast of Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist!  First up is our interview with Akira Koieyama, a famed Japanese actor who played ...

Street Fighter: The Movie (1994)

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If you were a child of the late eighties or early nineties, you're most likely intimately familiar with the fighting games. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior is often credited as the progenitor of ...

I Am Street Fighter!

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We're doing quite a bit here to prepare for the upcoming release of Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist, the long-awaited reboot of one of the live-action career of one of histories definitive fighting ...

Kung-fu Kingdom