Search results for: Wushu

Wushu Champion JANICE HUNG Launches “WUSHU WARRIORS” NFT Collection

News on international martial arts champion, Filipino actress, model, singer and "Wushu Queen" Janice Hung’s Kung Fu NFT Artwork in aid of UDEFEND!

Interview with Wushu Champion & Actress: Janice Hung

Interview exclusive with International Martial Arts Champion, Filipino actress, model, and singer, the "Wushu Queen" Janice Hung!

Jet Li’s Wushu Master Coming to the UK this June!

News post about a special wushu event on 23-24 June 2018 with the Father of Modern Wushu, Wu Bin, Coach to action star Jet Li. Hosted by China Spirit ...

Martial Art of the Month: Modern Wushu

Article about the Chinese art of Wushu. We look at its history, origins, including stunning video examples and how modern day superstars like Jet Li ...

Wushu (2008)

Antony Szeto's "Wushu" is an effective family-friendly martial arts film on many levels, one of the primary ones being that it is so keenly aware of ...

Martial Arts Spotlight: Choy Li Fut

KFK Martial Art of the Month column discussing the history of the Chinese martial art Choy Li Fut. Includes links and videos

How to Bet on Kung Fu Online?

Learn how to bet on Kung Fu matches online with strategies, tips, and insights into safe, exciting betting practices.

Martial Arts Spotlight: Tang Soo Do

KFK Martial Art column on the history of the deep-rooted, hardcore Korean martial art style of Tang Soo Do. Includes links and videos!

Two Taoist Tales (Taoism Drunkard 1984/ The Young Taoism Fighter 1986) Blu-ray

Review of “Two Taoist Tales”. Crazy, fantasy, action comedy classics from the legendary Yuen Clan! Out now on Blu-ray via Eureka and Amazon!

ONE Friday Fights 86: Top 3 Finishes

Countdown on the Top 3 MMA Finishes from ONE Friday Fights 86 featuring Egor Bikrev, Mahesuan, and Carlos Neyheban Alvarez. Includes videos.

Tai Chi Master (1993) Blu-ray version

Review of “Tai Chi Master” (1983), spectacular wuxia action film starring Jet Li. Now on UHD and Blu-ray from 88 Films and Amazon!

The Champions (1982) Blu-ray version

Review of “The Champions” (1982), Blu-ray version. Soccer action-comedy classic starring Yuen Biao. Out now on Blu-ray via Eureka and Amazon!

Kung-fu Kingdom