Do you ever wish you could kick like British action star Scott Adkins? Rhetorical question, of course – we all do! And if you happen be in the U.K. next month, you’ll have the perfect opportunity to move a little closer towards that goal! Scott Adkins will be conducting a power kicking seminar for Urban Wing Chun and Immortal MMA from 3 to 5:30 pm on Sunday, May 4th!
While the event will likely be the first of its kind for many attendees, it’s just one of many that Adkins has instructed over the years. Outside of his work in action and martial arts films, Scott Adkins has passed on the skills that make him one of the most amazing kicking machines in the martial arts world at similar such seminars for years.
Cost of attendance is £40.00, and will be held at Immortal MMA, located at 38 Alston Drive, Bradwell Abbey, Milton Keynes, MK139HA.
For more information, visit www.ip-man.co.uk/seminares.html, or call either 07908521775 or 07581006524. Information about the seminar can also be found via the official Facebook page. And hurry up! You certainly don’t want to miss out on seeing one of these first hand!