It’s been a while since I’ve written anything for KFK, so what better way to re-start than by attending the SENI Combat & Strength Show at London’s Soccordome next to the O2 Arena in Greenwich!
Upon entering, I was overwhelmed with activity and didn’t know where to begin! There were stalls, gymnasts, music and lots of events happening in various rings. There were boxing rings, MMA cages and a main demonstration arena for practitioners of various disciplines. The Shaolin performance sticks in mind the most.
Also at the event was a Bruce Lee display that was on show. Inside a glass cabinet were real props and training equipment that had been loaned for the Bruce Lee tribute weekend run by Eastern Heroes. On display here were various nunchakus, hitting boards/bags, chest builder and one of two original claws from the “Enter The Dragon” movie, if you didn’t make it to this event you really missed out! For me though, the highlight of the whole weekend was meeting one of my heroes in kicking and general villain badman: Hwang Jang-lee. Myself and Raj Khedun were lucky enough to be sitting in good seats in a room filled with people all listening intently to his every word.
Master Hwang is a very funny man who comprehends and speaks a decent amount of English. One of the funniest moments was when someone asked him during the Q&A session if he had hurt anyone. He replied, “I broke Jackie Chan’s front teeth, during the making of “Drunken Master”. He couldn’t stop filming so he had to put peanuts in his gums and paint them white!” He also revealed that his strenuous stretching exercises comprise of nothing more than rotating his hips for a few moments before starting his kicking! Later he had an autograph signing session with pictures too.
I was lucky enough to meet him again the next day where he did a short Q&A session before treating those fortunate to be there to a Hwang Jang-lee kicking seminar -imagine: this man is 70 years old and is still in fantastic shape! He demonstrated various kicks and how to perform them correctly. Afterwards, like the day before, we were gratified to have pictures taken, something I will cherish forever. Master Hwang has really inspired me; firstly with his presence, secondly, with his kicking abilities and lastly because he has shown that even when you’re old you can still fight! On the second day, Scott Adkins made an appearance for a Q&A session followed by an autograph and photo session. Scott’s interview was very interesting so stay tuned to KFK for more on that coming soon…!
While walking around the event I bumped in to someone who many of you will remember-Rajko Radovic from the BBC’s “Last Man Standing” show that was on a few years ago. I spoke to him for a brief time and he was friendly and down to earth, almost like talking to an old friend.
All in all this was a fantastic event with so much to see and experience so I’m hard put trying to pack it all in one article! It’s a pity that the SENI show is only every two years, I can’t wait for the next one -and if you’re a fan of anything sporty you simply must check it out for yourself!