Kung Fu Jungle

Interview with Teddy Chen!

Teddy Chen

We had the privilege of interviewing “Kung Fu Jungle” director, Teddy Chen in London following the world première of the movie. Teddy is a Hong Kong film director, producer, writer and actor who has ...

Interview with Michelle Bai

Michelle Bai

As part of the world premiere of Donnie Yen’s latest action-thriller “Kung Fu Jungle”, Kung Fu Kingdom was invited to interview actress Michelle Bai, who plays Donnie’s love interest in the film. ...

Kung Fu Jungle Red Carpet Special!

Kung Fu Jungle2

Kung-fu Kingdom had the pleasure of being amongst the first to see Hong Kong action star Donnie Yen’s latest movie. The film had its world premiere on 12th October in London’s famous Leicester ...

Kung Fu Jungle London premiere!

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The anticipation is high for Donnie Yen's upcoming martial arts thriller "Kung Fu Jungle", especially after recent online debut of the latest trailer for the film. However, if you're in London next ...

Full Kung Fu Jungle trailer!

kung fu jungle

Remember that first teaser trailer for Donnie Yen's upcoming martial arts thriller "Kung Fu Jungle" ? Remember how stoked you were at how amazing it made the film look? Well, that teaser just got ...

Kung Fu Jungle trailer arrives!

Kung Fu Jungle

Now THIS looks like a Donnie Yen movie! After going through different titles from "Last of the Best" to "Kung Fu Killer" before finally settling on its current name, Donnie Yen's "Kung Fu Jungle" ...

Kung-fu Kingdom