Batman: Arkham City (2011)
Review of “Batman: Arkham City” (2011), next chapter in the critically-acclaimed, superhero franchise published by Eidos Interactive. Inc. video links.
Review of “Batman: Arkham City” (2011), next chapter in the critically-acclaimed, superhero franchise published by Eidos Interactive. Inc. video links.
Review of “Batman: Arkham Asylum” (2009), the critically acclaimed action-adventure game published by Eidos Interactive. Inc. video links.
Review of “Streets of Rage 4” (2020), an exhilarating, side-scrolling beat ‘em up video game published by Dotemu. Inc. video links.
Review of the “One Piece: Burning Blood” video game released by Bandai-Namco in 2016 and based on the Japanese One Piece World anime series.
It's a really good time to be a fan of the "Street Fighter" franchise. Earlier this year, the acclaimed web-series "Street Fighter: Assassin's Fist" debuted, undoing what two notoriously hated ...