Alexander Gustafsson at SENI!

Alexander Gustafsson

2014's SENI Combat and Strength Show is set to begin on September 13th in London's Soccerdome, yet despite the festival being just days away, the guest list continues to grow (of course, we wouldn't ...

Men or Beasts? The animals of MMA!


In ancient times, many martial arts were created by patterning their techniques off of the movements and combat skills exhibited by members of the animal kingdom. The tiger attacks head-on with sheer ...

Reshat Mati fights again this month!

Reshat Mati

What would you say if you were told that one of most promising up-and-coming fighters today was just 15-years old? Naysayers would probably laugh that off, but after seeing the fighter in question, ...

Tapped Out (2014)

tapped out featured image

Chances are, you're going into "Tapped Out" expecting the film to hit the ground running. It's generally expected for MMA-themed fight films to assault the viewer with non-stop action as soon as the ...

Kung-fu Kingdom