Search results for: top 10

Interview with Steven Dasz

Kung-fu Kingdom presents an interview with Latin-American born martial artist, stuntman and choreographer Steven Dasz, who has worked and appeared in ...

The Young Master (1980)

by guest contributor James John The Young Master Any true Jackie Chan fan should see this film, not only because it’s early, raw, prime ...

Born To Fight (1984)

Born to Fight poster Panna Rittikrai stars in one of his most successful movies and arguably his best performance. Initially released way back in ...

Armour of God (1986)

by guest contributor James John Armour of God First off, Jackie Chan in this film does a good job being, well, Jackie Chan! By 1986 he was a ...

Scorpion King (1992)

Scorpion King Sammo Hung has produced a movie here (also known as Operation Scorpio) that has been hailed as a classic! We venture into a ...

Interview with David Sepulveda Low

A modern-day ninja... Ever wondered about those mysterious, stealthy, light-footed warriors called Ninjas? Having trained in Spain and Japan, we ...

Tom-Yum-Goong (2005)

Tom-Yum-Goong is the original name of the film, whilst Warrior King is the UK name; it's also known in the US as The Protector. This is Jaa's second ...

Dragons Forever (1988)

Dragons Forever DVD cover Hailed as one of the greatest Hong Kong action movies not just of the eighties, but of all time. We observe the last ...

Jean-Claude Van Damme: Behind Closed Doors (2011)

by guest contributor Volcan Kacar DVD cover Some know him as the ‘Muscles from Brussels’ and others know him simply as Jean-Claude Van ...

Kill ‘Em All (2012)

Kill 'Em All poster Kill ‘Em All is a propulsive and entertaining beat-'em-up romp that's essentially a mash-up of Cube and Saw with a dash of ...

Kiss of the Dragon (2001)

Beware! This review contains spoilers! Jet Li's films are usually hard-edged, ultraviolent affairs offering adult film-goers an invigorating shot ...

Police Story (1985)

Police Story (1985) DVD cover “He thinks he’s John Wayne.” First off, this highly ambitious Jackie Chan directed and starred 1985 Golden Harvest ...

Kung-fu Kingdom